Knowing Him
The City Harmonic
Friday, April 30, 2010
Got fruit ? 9
Are you the master of your own desires and passions? Are you the master of your own emotions or sensual appetites? If you are then that is called self control. The last fruit of the spirit is self control. Can a person have self control in their life? Is it possible to walk in victory when it comes to our own desires and wants? The answer is yes. Paul encourages us that if we walk in the spirit we shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. The key to success in this area of our life is to walk in the spirit. It is putting off that old self and putting on the new man. It takes hard work and discipline, but it is possible. Now, I am not talking about sinless perfection, because I don't think we can ever reach that here on earth. But I do believe that with the Lord's help we can live the life that He wants us to live. In another place of scripture Paul encourages us to take those thoughts captive. We have to be able to see those things coming and take those thoughts captive, submitting the to the Holy Spirit. If we do this, the thought will not become an action. And if we practice, we will gain self control. Praise God!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Got fruit ? 8
Are you a gentle person? Are you a meek person? Most people think that being meek is being weak. That is not true at all. Jesus said, "blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth." The word meek could actually mean to be calm, patient, humble, or gentle. The eighth fruit of the spirit is gentleness. Gentleness is needed badly in the Christian community. I think that what is popular among many believers is harshness. When somebody does something wrong they are immediately shot down. When somebody slips up, they are brought all the way to the ground. Instead of being helped up, they are actually held down by the one who should be loving them the way Christ loves. That should not be the way we act. Being meek is actually the characteristic that is needed to help those who are weak. We need godly meekness. Meekness is not weakness.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Got fruit? 7
Are you faithful? Are you faithful with what God has placed in your hands? Are you faithful with the Gospel that has been given to you? Christianity is very much based on faithfulness. Jesus was faithful to God the Father by going to the cross for our sins. He was faithful in providing the sinner a way of escape from the wrath to come. The next fruit of the spirit is faithfulness. This word faithfulness in the Greek is a very powerful one. It actually speaks of the divine truth that Jesus is the Messiah the God of heaven and earth. It speaks of the truth as being faithful. It is something that we can actually depend on. God's word is trustworthy, inherent, and irreplaceable. As Christians, it is important to believe in this truth with a great amount of conviction. God is faithful, the Son is faithful, and His Word is faithful. Then we should definitely be faithful to the One who has modeled Biblical faithfulness to us.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Got fruit? 6
Do you consider yourself to be a good person? Most people generally think that they are good. I don't remember the last time I asked someone this question and they responded how bad of a person they are. According to the Bible, we have all fallen short of the glory of God. We are all guilty of breaking His commandments either outwardly or inwardly. The next fruit of the spirit is goodness. The word goodness speaks of having an uprightness of heart. This means that our heart is right before the Lord, and we are attempting to please Him in the way we live out our life. To walk uprightly means that our lives are open to what He wants to do in our life, and we are doing what the Bible tells us to do. If we do this, then no doubt others will see us bearing much fruit in our life, and God will get all the glory!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Got fruit? 5
Are you a gentle person? Is it easy for you to show kindness to others? The fifth fruit of the spirit is kindness. To be kind to someone means that we are showing them love with a kind act. It is an act of kindness that is motivated by the Lord and His Holy Spirit. To be kind to someone unkind could be considered to be an act of obedience. Jesus said that we are to love our enemies, bless those who curse us, do good to those who hate us, and pray for those who spitefully use us and persecute us. This is Biblical kindness. Jesus Himself showed us His loving kindness by going to the cross for us. He was forsaken that we might be forgiven. He became sin that we might obtain salvation. If He could do this for us, then we definitely should be kind to others.
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