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Knowing Him

If you would like to know more about having a relationship with Jesus, please watch this short video by Greg Laurie.


The City Harmonic

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Be a fighter

Dwight. L. Moody has pointed out that, "becoming a Christian is like enlisting in the Lord's army and there is very much a real battle at hand." Pastor Greg Laurie has said that "Christianity is not a playground but a battle ground." If you are a follower of Jesus Christ and you are attempting to live out this life as loud as possible. Mark my words, you will be attacked and in order to survive you will have to be a fighter. I am not talking about a physical fight, but a spiritual fight. Paul writing to the Ephesians said that, "we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places ." Eph 6:12 Knowing what kind of battle we as Christians are facing will give us the proper perspective of how to fight. The greatest victories are won on our knees. If we attempt to fight this fight in our own strength we will loose poorly. However, if we ask the Lord to go before us there is nothing that can come against us. Greater is He who is in us, than he that is in the world. If God is for us than who can be against us!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Love Series (evident)

Marriage is a remarkable thing. I've come to realize that in the marital relationship love must be shown in a variety of ways. It should be vocal yes, but it should also be shown physically. It is not enough to tell my wife I love her, but I should also show her with physical touch. If we say we love Christ than their should be evidence in every relationship that we encounter. If I tell my kids I love them but never hug them or play with them. I am simply making noise without any real evidence. Jesus said by this all will know you are my disciples if you have love for one another. The greatest evidence that Jesus Christ loves you and I was shown on the cross. He demonstrated his own love for us in that while we were yet sinners he died for us. Since Jesus had action to back up that love than so should we. My prayer is that we would be a people who would put legs to our words. That we would show with actions that which we proclaim!!!!