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Knowing Him

If you would like to know more about having a relationship with Jesus, please watch this short video by Greg Laurie.


The City Harmonic

Friday, December 17, 2010

Be Faithful!!!

Someone has said that, "Faithfulness is remaining true to what God has called you to do." Oh, how God is looking for a people who are not perfect, but willing. God wants faithful people not sinless people. Jesus asked a question in Math 24:45, "Who then is a faithful and wise servant? In Math 25:21 he said, "Well done good and faithful servant." In Luke 16:10 he said, "He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much." I have found that in all my years in ministry that some people are not even faithful in the little things. God wants people who can see the need and get the job done. Not just talk about it, but do it. In the book of Revelation we are told that the words that were given to John were, "faithful and true." We know that this could be spoken of by our Lord as well. He is a God who is faithful and true. But I wonder if that could be said of us? Can people say that we are a people who are faithful and true? Can people say that our words are faithful and true? Can people say that our actions are faithful and true? As Christians we sometimes give too many excuses of why we can't do something for the Lord. Greg Laurie has said that, "an excuse is a skin of reason stuffed with a lie." I think that is so true. God help us to be a people who stop giving their sorry excuses, and start serving God like never before. God help us to find out what God has called us to do. And step out in faith and start doing that thing to the best of our ability, and for the glory of God!"

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Love Series (vocal)

The word love is sometimes a four letter word that people do not want to vocalize. In a marital relationship it is important to not only show your spouse love with actions, but to also vocalize that love with words. Years ago prior to my conversion. I cannot recall ever telling my mom and dad that I loved them. When I became a follower of Jesus Christ the Lord pressed upon my heart that i needed to share the love of Christ with them vocally. It was hard at first, and I didn't know how they would respond. But interestingly enough as soon as I vocalized the love, surprisingly they vocalized it back. This was not only the first time that I told them that I loved them but also the first time that they ever told me that they loved me. Paul said that we should, "let our speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought answer each one." Col 4:6 Can you imagine how many lives we would impact if we did this? Can you imagine how much God would bless our marriages? Can you imagine a world touched by the love of Christ? This is what God's love is all about!

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Love Series (others centered)

I think if there is one thing that kills our Christian love, it's gotta be selfishness. Selfishness quenches and sometimes extinguishes the fire of God's love in our lives. Someone has said that, "Selfishness is putting your self first while stepping on another." When Paul was writing to the Philippians he told them, "Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others." Phil 2:3, 4 Oh, how important it is to put God first, others second, and ourselves last. Imagine how much of an impact we would have on the world? We would literally turn the world up side down. God in his great love for us was willing to send His only begotten Son to the world to die on the cross for us. That was love in the greatest of ways. God wants us to show that same kind of love. A love that is marked with humility and obedience. God help us, to be a Church who is willing to put others before our own lives. If we do this, we will no doubt show the God kind of love to the world around us.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Love Series (lasting)

Many people today are looking for love in all the wrong places. They look to money, fame, relationships in an attempt to find lasting happiness, or lasting love. The problem with that is that it doesn't last. It is only a temporary fix to an even bigger problem. God's love is a lot different than our love. Love that comes from man is often based on what someone does for you. Most people will love as long as someone is giving them something in return. God's love is the opposite. God's love is not dependent on what we do, but rather what he did. Romans 5:8 says that, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Love that is lasting has to start with God. Because God is love. God's agape love is sacrificial and the kind of love that we need in our life.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Christian that's Content

Someone has said that, "Contentment is a state of the heart wherein we are fully satisfied in the Lord and His goodness." Contentment for many believer's is the un-fought battle. Many Christians don't view contentment as important and think that its no big deal. Nothing can be further from the truth. When Paul was writing to Timothy he said, "Now godliness with contentment is great gain." 1Tim6:6 Contentment is great gain because it produces a trust and satisfaction with all that the Lord has given to you. Now, godliness without contentment isn't really godliness. If a person has a godly attitude than there will be an automatic contentment that is expressed in the life they are living. Paul himself from a Roman prison said that he had learned in whatever state he was in to be content. Can you and I say that today?

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Have you ever been cheated? Years ago, I was invited to attend a home bible study with a couple of guys. I felt honored and privileged to be invited to this study and gladly welcomed the invitation. As the leader began to teach I noticed that he was emphasizing too much on works. Was this legalism? I thought. Oh yeah, it was definitely legalism and even me as a baby Christian knew that something was wrong. At the end of the study he began to tell me that I wasn't really a disciple of Jesus Christ. I said, Now wait a minute, I love Jesus Christ and I have freely received His salvation! Well, I walked away that night not feeling like I wasn't believer, but feeling like I had been cheated. Someone has said that, "legalism is a lie, that comes like a law, that leads to lifelessness." That is exactly what I witnessed that night. The Apostle Paul writing to the Colossian Church said, "Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility" Col 2:18 When someone tries to come at you and question your salvation. Remember, that you have been justified freely by His grace!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Possition Problems

One of the most common problems in our Churches today is the attempt to try to earn a leadership position. People love the idea of being in charge and having some kind of recognition from others. People will come knocking on the Pastor's door explaining to him how skilled they are at playing the guitar, teaching a bible study, and preaching a sermon. I don't recall ever hearing of someone telling the Pastor how skilled they are at cleaning the Church facility, folding bulletins, or taking out the Churches trash. This is because most people would like to hurdle over everyone else in order to get to the front of the line. Someone has said that. "Before you give a man the podium, you should first give him the plunger." I would have to agree with that. Jesus said, "if anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all." God's church needs more humble servants. The work of God needs to get done without pride dwelling in the hearts of His people. God help us to remember the words of our Lord, "Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"EXIT" a way out!!!

Have you ever felt like you just can't take it anymore? Have you ever felt like there is no way out to the temptation that you face? Many Christians feel this way at times. Being a Christian is no easy task. It it probably one of the hardest decisions you will ever make. It's been said that being a Christian is, "Committing yourself to Christ, and than walking in that commitment." It is a daily choice and a daily decision that you and I have to make. When Paul was writing to the Corinthians he said, "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it." 1 Cor 10:13 Temptation is normal. Being tempted on a daily basis is part of the life that we live. However, there is a way out. God has provided us with an exit, or a way of escape. Obedience takes choice. God has given us free will and its up to us to choose to do the right thing. If we truly love God than we will make the choice to walk in obedience rather than disobedience. God help us to be a people who take the exit that He has provided!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Friendship Factor

What does it take to cultivate a friendship? Because of the rapid growth of social networking such as Twitter, My Space, and Facebook it seems like honest one on one relationships are deteriorating. Many Christians have traded in a genuine face to face relationship for artificial friendships. Perhaps it is just the evidence that we are quickly becoming a more self serving culture. We don't want to take the time to build a relationship because that might require time which we do not have. One of the titles that was given of Jesus was, "friend of sinners." Jesus was friendly to the men and women that were around him. He took the time to invest in them. He loved them, he taught them, and he wasn't afraid to correct them. the bible says that faithful are the wounds of a friend. Proverbs 18:24 says, "A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." The friendship Factor is the mindset of consistently building strong friendships. Anyone could build acquaintances, but it takes hard work and the Holy Spirit to be a real friend.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


When I was younger I really enjoyed comic books. There was something that was adventurous about reading a comic. Perhaps it was the fairytale, make believe quality that drew me into the story. One thing that I loved was the indestructible, or unbreakable ability of the super hero. There was absolutely nothing that could destroy the super hero. As a Christian, I wonder if many of us have that same attitude when it comes to our Christianity. It becomes more of a temptation when you have been a believer for a number of years. When Paul was writing to the Corinthians he said, "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall." 1 Cor 10:12 The writer of Proverbs says, "Can a man take fire to his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?" Prov 6:27 As a Christian we must always remember that we are not a super hero. We are not indestructible, or unbreakable. As soon as we think we are, we stumble. We have to stay connected to Christ, continue you in his word, and be accountable to our fellow Christians. If we do this, we will definitely overcome our greatest villain Satan.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Staying Ready

A friend of mine made the comment the other day, "I don't get ready, I stay ready." I began to think about what he said and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Are most Christians ready to share their faith at all times? Are most Christians prepared to meet the Lord and anytime? I think a lot of Christians spend much of their life un-prepared and un-ready. When Paul was writing to Timothy a young Pastor he said, "Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season" 2 Timothy 4:2 This idea of being ready speaks of someone coming upon you suddenly and being prepared for their arrival. It also speaks of standing. A person decides the outcome of the day in the morning. We have to be in a ready stance because we never know what the day will hold. The enemy Satan roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He is always looking for a time when our guard is down. This is why we have to be ready. God help us to be Christians who stay ready not get ready.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Are you living the life?

As I wake up in the morning and take my first breath of air, I thank God that I have another day of life. Life is a precious thing. We could either live the life that He has called us to live, or we can refuse the life that He has offered and in return die in our sin. John describing Jesus in John 1: 4, 5 tells us, "In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood [overcome] it" (NIV) There are four things that we see in this passage of scripture that we can learn from. First of all, we see that "In Him is life." Jesus came to this earth to give us life. He has come to give us eternal life, and He has come to give us abundant life. Eternal life is the result of repenting and confessing our sin to Him, and believing in Him as our Lord and Savior. Abundant life is the joy of knowing that we are no longer going to hell, and we now have a personal relationship with God. Secondly, we see that, "Jesus was the light." When He stepped into His earthly ministry He was a light to humanity. He didn't hide that light, but He was literally the light of the world doing what the father had commanded Him to do. Thirdly, we see that, "The light shined in the darkness." Jesus exposed darkness. He called sin, sin and He did not compromise His agenda. He wasn't attempting to win a popularity contest with a dim light, but rather shined as a bright light for all to see. Fourthly, we see that, "The darkness did not overcome." The word used for understand in the Greek could also mean, to understand, to comprehend, or to overcome. Death could not hold Him down. He was victorious rising on the third day! I end with a series of questions. Are you living the life? Is your life a light to the world? Does your light expose darkness? Are you overcoming darkness with the light of Jesus?

Friday, June 11, 2010

What is a Whosoever?

The word "whosoever" is an Old King James word and is found 183 times in the Bible. It is not a band, a clothing line, or a party crew as some may think. A whosoever, by way of definition, means whoever, whenever, you or me. In the Greek language, specifically in John 3:16, the word could be translated as, everyone or anyone. In order to properly understand the word itself a person would have to look at the passage that it is found in and closely examine the context of the verse. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."(KJV) God, in His mercy and grace, sent his Son (His only Son) to the world out of love. In order to show the world this love, He gave His priceless possession, His very own son. Whosoever is the invitation that whoever would believe in Him as their Lord and Savior would not perish or go to hell. But they would be given the gift of eternal life and the promise of heaven. Becoming a whosoever is an opportunity, a privilege, a promise, and is something that should never be taken lightly!!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Ownership (part 3)

Are you a slave of Jesus Christ? Has your life been separated for the gospel of Jesus Christ? Most people when they think of slavery usually picture it as something that was terrible historically. I would agree that slavery in this country was something that was terrible. However, being a slave for Jesus Christ is something that is all together different. The word Doulos, which is the Greek word for slave, speaks of complete ownership. It is a giving up of rights and disregarding oneself for the service of another. When Paul was writing to the Romans he said, "Paul a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of God." (Romans 1:1) A bondservant of Jesus Christ must be one of choice, not of obligation alone. We are separated to Jesus Christ, but we are also separated to the gospel. The Master wants our life. He wants us to be obedient to Him and not serve any other gods. When we walk with the Master for the Master, we are indeed a slave of Jesus Christ. And that is a glorious thing.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ownership (Part 2)

Thomas A Kempis has pointed out that the Christian should, "Come to serve, not to rule." So often, people will come to a church to find a position and not to help support positions. Jesus said, "but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant." (Matthew 20:26) If you want to be great in the kingdom of God then you have to be a servant. This concept, in the world today, is something that is sometimes mostly unheard of. The world will tell you, "if you want to be great, then you need to put your needs before other people." The Bible says if you want to be great, then you need to put the needs of others before yours. A servant is one who expresses submission or debt to another. It speaks of ownership, specifically that we are owned by the Master, and we are here to serve Him. When we serve others we are actually serving Him. When Jesus came to the earth he came to serve, not to be served. Have you come to serve?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Ownership (Part 1)

Years ago, there used to be a popular shirt which said, "Jesus is my homeboy." At the time I thought that was funny, but it caused me to ask, "Is Jesus really my homeboy, or better yet, is Jesus my friend?" The Bible says that, "A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24) I think there is a sense of responsibility, obligation, and even ownership in a friendship. When we become someone's friend we are giving them a part of our lives, and we trust them as our friend. One of the greatest examples of sacrifice is found in the life of Jesus. The Bible tells us that Jesus was a friend of sinners. It didn't matter where people were from or what they did as an occupation. He reached out to them and showed them His love. Jesus Himself made it very clear when He said, "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. You are my friends if you do whatever I command you." John 15:13, 14 The question I have for you is, "are you laying your life down for others, or better yet, are you laying your life down for the Savior?" Jesus demonstrated His love for us by laying down His life for us and going to the cross!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Got fruit ? 9

Are you the master of your own desires and passions? Are you the master of your own emotions or sensual appetites? If you are then that is called self control. The last fruit of the spirit is self control. Can a person have self control in their life? Is it possible to walk in victory when it comes to our own desires and wants? The answer is yes. Paul encourages us that if we walk in the spirit we shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. The key to success in this area of our life is to walk in the spirit. It is putting off that old self and putting on the new man. It takes hard work and discipline, but it is possible. Now, I am not talking about sinless perfection, because I don't think we can ever reach that here on earth. But I do believe that with the Lord's help we can live the life that He wants us to live. In another place of scripture Paul encourages us to take those thoughts captive. We have to be able to see those things coming and take those thoughts captive, submitting the to the Holy Spirit. If we do this, the thought will not become an action. And if we practice, we will gain self control. Praise God!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Got fruit ? 8

Are you a gentle person? Are you a meek person? Most people think that being meek is being weak. That is not true at all. Jesus said, "blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth." The word meek could actually mean to be calm, patient, humble, or gentle. The eighth fruit of the spirit is gentleness. Gentleness is needed badly in the Christian community. I think that what is popular among many believers is harshness. When somebody does something wrong they are immediately shot down. When somebody slips up, they are brought all the way to the ground. Instead of being helped up, they are actually held down by the one who should be loving them the way Christ loves. That should not be the way we act. Being meek is actually the characteristic that is needed to help those who are weak. We need godly meekness. Meekness is not weakness.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Got fruit? 7

Are you faithful? Are you faithful with what God has placed in your hands? Are you faithful with the Gospel that has been given to you? Christianity is very much based on faithfulness. Jesus was faithful to God the Father by going to the cross for our sins. He was faithful in providing the sinner a way of escape from the wrath to come. The next fruit of the spirit is faithfulness. This word faithfulness in the Greek is a very powerful one. It actually speaks of the divine truth that Jesus is the Messiah the God of heaven and earth. It speaks of the truth as being faithful. It is something that we can actually depend on. God's word is trustworthy, inherent, and irreplaceable. As Christians, it is important to believe in this truth with a great amount of conviction. God is faithful, the Son is faithful, and His Word is faithful. Then we should definitely be faithful to the One who has modeled Biblical faithfulness to us.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Got fruit? 6

Do you consider yourself to be a good person? Most people generally think that they are good. I don't remember the last time I asked someone this question and they responded how bad of a person they are. According to the Bible, we have all fallen short of the glory of God. We are all guilty of breaking His commandments either outwardly or inwardly. The next fruit of the spirit is goodness. The word goodness speaks of having an uprightness of heart. This means that our heart is right before the Lord, and we are attempting to please Him in the way we live out our life. To walk uprightly means that our lives are open to what He wants to do in our life, and we are doing what the Bible tells us to do. If we do this, then no doubt others will see us bearing much fruit in our life, and God will get all the glory!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Got fruit? 5

Are you a gentle person? Is it easy for you to show kindness to others? The fifth fruit of the spirit is kindness. To be kind to someone means that we are showing them love with a kind act. It is an act of kindness that is motivated by the Lord and His Holy Spirit. To be kind to someone unkind could be considered to be an act of obedience. Jesus said that we are to love our enemies, bless those who curse us, do good to those who hate us, and pray for those who spitefully use us and persecute us. This is Biblical kindness. Jesus Himself showed us His loving kindness by going to the cross for us. He was forsaken that we might be forgiven. He became sin that we might obtain salvation. If He could do this for us, then we definitely should be kind to others.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Got fruit? 4

Someone has pointed out that the words long suffering could mean, to suffer for a long period of time. Who likes to suffer anyway? Suffering is not something that any Christian looks forward to. The next fruit of the spirit is long suffering. The word long suffering in the original language could actually mean, to be steadfast or to bear troubles or ills. Some people that we know bring this out of us whether we like it or not. They test our patience and perhaps make us suffer for a long time. This is one of the fruits that comes out of a consistent and mature walk with the Lord. It can sometimes happen as a result of a trial or difficult situation that we are facing. James tells us that we are to "count it all joy" when we fall into various trials. He adds that it is for the testing of our faith. This is what helps us to grow and bear the fruit of long suffering. The cool thing about this fruit is that we are not alone when we are growing through this one. The Bible tells us that the Lord will never leave us nor forsake us. If we remember this, then it will not feel as difficult.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Got fruit? 3

Are you at peace? Are you currently experiencing harmony? Most people want peace in their lives. This is why many have turned to drugs, alcohol, and pleasure. They are attempting to find peace and happiness in temporal substance. Paul, when he was writing to the Philippians, spoke of a peace that surpasses all understanding. Later, when he was writing to the Galatians, Paul included this same peace as being one of the fruits of the spirit. In order for someone to experience this biblical peace, he first has to be at peace with God. It is a peace that is a direct result of what was accomplished at the cross. It is because of the cross that the Christian can experience this peace. To be at peace is defined as being set as one again. If you make peace with God, then you will definitely feel this kind of peace. It is a peace that is not based on circumstance, but is simply based on a person: Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Got fruit? 2

The Christian life is not one that should be depressing. Being a Christian is not bad news, it is good news. It is good news that we have been forgiven of our sin, and we are going to heaven. Another fruit that should be in the Christian's life is joy. Having joy means that there is a gladness that we have in our life. Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." Jesus came to give us eternal life, and he also came to give us abundant life while we are here on the earth. It is possible for the believer to live a life of joy and gladness on a daily basis. Through prayer and the reading of His Word, one could change the way that they view life. When this is done, God will provide us with His joy. So let's go out and rejoice for all the Lord has done, He has done great things!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Got fruit? 1

Isn't it interesting how people will respond to the question: "Do you believe in God?" Most people think that they are not only generally good, but many also think they are Christians. To be a Christian means that you are becoming Christ-like, a Christ follower. It is living a life that is not only pleasing to Him, but a life that is bearing good fruit. Paul, writing to the church in Galatia writes, "But the fruit of the spirit is love." One of the fruits that a believer must exhibit in his or her life is the fruit of love. The word love here, in this passage, refers to a sacrificial kind of love. It is not a warm fuzzy feeling, and it is not based on what you will receive. It is based on what you give to others. It involves laying down your life for the sake of another individual. Jesus said that people would know that we are His disciples if we have love for one another. We are to love God with all our heart, we are to love our neighbors, and we are even to love our enemies. Do you have Christian love in your life?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The battle plan (walk) 3

Ephesians 5:2 says, "And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma." Walking in love is no easy task. In fact, I would have to say that the battle begins in the heart. Jesus told us that we are to love our neighbor and that we are to love our enemies. The Bible tells husbands that they are to love their wives as Christ loves the church. Since the battle begins in the heart, then we should pray and ask God to help us to display this kind of love. It is a supernatural thing to perform all or some of these things. I am a firm believer that our relationship with God affects all other relationships. If we are having a problem loving others, then there must be something clogging our relationship with God. In Deuteronomy, it says that we are to love the Lord our God with all heart, with all our soul and with all our strength. If we can do this first, then there should be less trouble loving our fellow man. A good battle plan must include a good loving relationship with God!